Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Wierd and the Wonderful

Offenders in Ala. town can choose jail or church


BAY MINETTE, Ala. — Authorities say non-violent offenders in southern Alabama will have a new choice: Go to jail, or go to church every Sunday for a year.

WKRG-TV reports….that Operation Restore Our Community begins next week.

The city judge in Bay Minette will let misdemeanor offenders choose to work off their sentences in jail and pay a fine; or go to church every Sunday for a year.

If offenders select church, they'll be allowed to pick the place of worship but must check in weekly with the pastor and police.

If the one-year church attendance program is completed, the offender's case will be dismissed.

Bay Minette Police Chief Mike Rowland says the program could change the lives of people heading down the wrong path. So far, 56 churches are participating.

Word of the Day

of·fend: \ə-ˈfend\
Origin: Middle English, from Anglo-French offendre, from Latin offendere to strike against, offend, from ob- against + -fendere to strike — more at ob-, defend
First Known Use: 14th century
1a : to transgress the moral or divine law : sin <if it be a sin to covet honor, I am the most offending soul alive — Shakespeare>; b : to violate a law or rule : do wrong <offend against the law>
2 a : to cause difficulty, discomfort, or injury <took off his shoe and removed the offending pebble>; b : to cause dislike, anger, or vexation <thoughtless words that offend needlessly>
3a : violate, transgress; b : to cause pain to : hurt
2 obsolete : to cause to sin or fall
3: to cause to feel vexation or resentment usually by violation of what is proper or fitting <was offended by their language>
— of·fend·er noun

More Vocabulary

Case: n. the object of investigation or consideration
Misdemeanor: n.
 a crime that is not very serious
Sentence: n.
 one formally pronounced by a court or judge in a criminal proceeding and specifying the punishment to be inflicted upon the convict
Worship: n.
 a form of religious practice with its creed and ritual

Love those Phrasal Verbs

Work off: to pay or fulfill by working
  • He worked off his debt by doing odd jobs.

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