Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday´s News

San José Went To The Dogs On Sunday

Some 4.000 were escorted by their pets in the march against animal abuse!

From: www.insidecostarica.com

They came out in the thousands with their pets taking to the streets of downtown San José in a march to give aresounding no to animal abuse.

Although the majority of the animals escorting their owners were dogs, big and small, and everything in between, on hand were a cat or two and a couple of goats.

In total, organizers says some 4.000 people and their pets gathered in Parque Central at 10 am and moved slowly to the Plaza de la Democracia, diagonal to the Legislative Assembly building.

The common goal was to speak in one voice for all abused animals.

Another objective of the march was to collect signatures for Law 7451 that would punish animal abuse. According to organizers they needed 152.000 signatures for the project to be presented before the Legislature to criminalize animal abuse.

Insidecostarica.com was there without one of our five Siberian Huskys, Rosso. ICR is also home to another six dogs rescued from the streets.

In Curribadat, a parallel event took place.

Word of the Day

par·al·lel:\ˈper-ə-ˌlel, ˈpa-rə-, -ləl\
Origin: Latin parallelus, from Greek parallēlos, from para beside + allēlōn of one another, from allos … allos one … another, from allos other — more at else
First Known Use: 1549
1 a : extending in the same direction, everywhere equidistant, and not meeting <parallel rows of trees>; b : everywhere equally distant <concentric spheres are parallel>
2 a : having parallel sides <a parallel reamer>; b : being or relating to an electrical circuit having a number of conductors in parallel; c : arranged in parallel <a parallel processor>;  c: relating to or being a connection in a computer system in which the bits of a byte are transmitted over separate channels at the same time <a parallel port> — compare serial
3 a (1) : similar, analogous, or interdependent in tendency or development (2) : exhibiting parallelism in form, function, or development <parallel evolution>; b : readily compared : companion; c : having identical syntactical elements in corresponding positions; also : being such an element; d (1) : having the same tonic —used of major and minor keys and scales (2) : keeping the same distance apart in musical pitch
4: performed while keeping one's skis parallel <parallel turns>
1 a : a parallel line, curve, or surface; b : one of the imaginary circles on the surface of the earth paralleling the equator and marking the latitude; also : the corresponding line on a globe or map — see latitude illustration; c : a character ∥ used in printing especially as a reference mark
2 a : something equal or similar in all essential particulars : counterpart; b : similarity, analogue
3: a comparison to show resemblance
4 a : the state of being physically parallel; b : an arrangement of electrical devices in a circuit in which the same potential difference is applied to two or more resistances with each resistance being on a different branch of the circuit — compare series; c : an arrangement or state that permits several operations or tasks to be performed simultaneously rather than consecutively
1: to indicate analogy of : compare
2 a : to show something equal to : match; b : to correspond to
3: to place so as to be parallel in direction with something
4: to extend, run, or move in a direction parallel to
1: in a parallel manner

More Vocabulary

Criminalize: v. to make illegal: outlaw
Escort: n. accompaniment by a person or an armed protector
March: n. an organized procession of demonstrators who are supporting or protesting something
Resounding: adj. emphatic, unequivocal

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