Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday’s News

Father’s Day Celebration

From: www.theholidayspot.com

Surprisingly, the dates of the celebration of Father’s Day are not the same everywhere. The customs and traditions differ from one country to another. With the earliest record of Father’s Day found in the ruins of Babylon, one can easily understand the fact that Father Day has been celebrated for centuries. The Countries, where the Catholic Church was of significant influence on the culture and society, Father’s Day is celebrated on St. Joseph’s Day (March 19). However, a more secular celebration which is not associated with any religion is followed in recent times to reflect the increased diversity of the people who live there. There are times when the Dads get a little lucky and enjoy Father’s Day goodies more than once every year!
Indulging the sweet daddies with breakfast in bed; gifting out cards, flowers, chocolates ,neckties, shirts, electronic gadgets, stationery items; games and various other activities, get-togethers mark Father’s Day to strengthen the bond between a father and child and are the traditional way of celebrating Father’s Day not only in U.S. but also, all over the world in the recent times.
Father’s Day is celebrated with enthusiasm and gifts galore to reflect on the invaluable role and contribution of fathers in the family. People honor their father and express gratitude for his love and affection on Father’s Day. As a Father’s Day tradition, people in US and Canada, along with their Dads, pay tribute to grandfather, stepfather, foster father, uncle or men who play the Father figure role in their lives. The tradition of celebrating Father’s Day in Canada has been influenced from US. People in Canada, too, wear roses to express gratitude and love for their father as their US counterparts. The event is popularly observed as a time for family reunion as well, with children staying away from families coming together to celebrate the day with their fathers and other loved ones; paying tribute by giving out donations in the name of their fathers or by performing acts of service; dining out. Business in restaurants and eating joints witness a huge rush on the occasion.
Several clubs, schools and cultural societies in United Kingdom and Ireland, Australia and South Africa organize Father’s Day parties and get-togethers and provide people an opportunity to celebrate the day on a wide scale to stress the importance of Father’s role in the development of the family and the society as a whole. The effort to spread a sense of responsibility and devotion to fathers are also made besides, children who in turn are encouraged to pay full attention and respect to their father.
The occasion in Australia is celebrated privately in households. Breakfast meetings for families are also a common affair of Father’s Day celebrations in Australia.
Many in South Africa go out for picnics, fishing or just for a meal in a restaurant.
Celebrating Father’s Day is a new concept in India and highly influenced by the U.S. celebrations. It is perhaps not even a decade old. The idea of honoring fathers has been appreciated by Indians as well, to a large extent like all other countries. Father’s Day celebration in India takes place in the same way as in UK or US, though in a limited way. Awareness about Father’s Day festivals are much greater in metropolitan cities and bigger towns due to the greater exposure of people to the western cultures and are fast catching up with people in smaller towns and cities of India as well. The idea is to instill noble values and principles in children to pay due respect to the elders, especially dads, and understand the importance of a family.
However, the popularity of Father’s Day has also led to an extensive commercialization of the event. According to critics the rigorous marketing campaign has spoiled the noble idea of honoring fathers on Father’s Day as many observe the day by performing the mere formality of presenting gifts to dad. Others on the other hand see the positive side of commercialization and consider that it has helped to spread awareness and the significance about the day for children to honor their fathers.
Here’s wishing all the wonderful fathers out there a perfect Father’s Day. May you be blessed with a life of contentment, peace and happiness forever.

Word of the Day

tra·di·tion:  \trə-ˈdi-shən\
Origin:  Middle English tradicioun, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French tradicion, from Latin tradition-, traditio action of handing over, tradition — more at treason
First Known Use: 14th century
1 a : an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a religious practice or a social custom); b: a belief or story or a body of beliefs or stories relating to the past that are commonly accepted as historical though not verifiable
2: the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction
3: cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions
4: characteristic manner, method, or style <in the best liberal tradition>

More Vocabulary

Custom: n. a usage or practice common to many or to a particular place or class or habitual with an individual
Decade: n.
a period of 10 years
Exposure: n.
the condition of being presented to view or made known
Gadget: n.
an often small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use but often thought of as a novelty
Galore: adj.
abundant, plentiful
Goody: n.
something that is particularly attractive, pleasurable, good, or desirable
Instill: v.
to impart gradually
Joint: n.
place, establishment
Rigorous: adj.
manifesting, exercising, or favoring rigor : very strict
Secular: adj.
of or pertaining to worldly things or to things that are not regarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred

Love those Phrasal Verbs

Catch up: to come up to or overtake
  • I’m glad the recycling habit is finally catching up in the office!

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