Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Monday´s News

Commercial flights to Cuba take off from some U.S. airports

From: www.cnn.com

(CNN) -- Another chartered flight is scheduled to leave the United States for Cuba Sunday as a result of recent U.S. government moves to ease restrictions on travel to the Communist nation.

In a partnership with Delta Air Lines, Marazul, a Miami-based travel agency that specializes in travel to Cuba, has restored direct flights between select U.S. airports and Havana, Cuba, a Delta spokeswoman said Sunday.

"We are excited to get back into the market in partnership with Marazul," Delta spokeswoman Gina Laughlin said, adding that some flights took place in October, departing from Miami.

Marazul announced on its website that it has restored its direct flight between New York City's John F. Kennedy International Airport and Havana, scheduled to take off on Sunday. In December, Marazul will provide weekly flights from Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, Marazul announced.

Round-trip tickets can only be purchased through Marazul travel, which has chartered a Boeing 737 with crews from Delta Air Lines for its Miami-Havana flight, the travel company said.

Laughlin said loosened government restrictions on travel to Cuba has allowed Delta to re-establish the charter service with Marazul.

According to the Marazul's website, these flights are offered only to passengers who have been "duly authorized" by the U.S. government to travel to Cuba. This includes, but is not restricted to, travelers with close relatives in Cuba, official business travelers, professionals, students and other potential travelers authorized by the U.S Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

In September of 2009, OFAC announced it would ease existing restrictions on travel to Cuba, citing President Barack Obama's initiative announced the same year to "reach out to the Cuban people in support of their desire to freely determine their country."

Word of the Day

Ease: \ēz\
Origin: Middle English ese, from Anglo-French eise, aise convenience, comfort, ultimately from Latin adjacent-, adjacens neighboring — more at adjacent
First Known Use: 13th century
1: the state of being comfortable: as; a : freedom from pain or discomfort; b : freedom from care; c : freedom from labor or difficulty; d : freedom from embarrassment or constraint : naturalness <known for his charm and ease of manner>; e : an easy fit
2: relief from discomfort or obligation
3: facility, effortlessness <did it with ease>
4: an act of easing or a state of being eased
1: to free from something that pains, disquiets, or burdens <trying to ease her of her worries>
2: to make less painful : alleviate <ease his suffering>
3 a : to lessen the pressure or tension of especially by slackening, lifting, or shifting <ease a spring>; b : to maneuver gently or carefully <eased himself into the chair>; c : to moderate or reduce especially in amount or intensity <ease a flow>
4: to make less difficult <ease credit>
5 a : to put the helm of (a ship) alee; b : to let (a helm or rudder) come back a little after having been put hard over
6: to give freedom or relief
7: to move or pass slowly or easily —often used with a directional word (as over or up) <the limo eased up in front of the house>
8 a : to become less intense, vigorous, or engaged : become moderate —usually used with up or off <told her staff to ease up a little> <expected the storm to ease off> <ease up on fatty foods>; b : to apply less pressure —usually used with up or off <ease up on the accelerator>; c : to act in a less harsh manner —usually used with up or off <decided to ease off on enforcement>

More Vocabulary

Duly: adv. in a due manner or time : properly
Initiative: n.
 an introductory step
Restriction: n.
 a regulation that restricts or restrains
Select: adj.
 xclusively or fastidiously chosen often with regard to social, economic, or cultural characteristics

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