Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Wierd and the Wonderful

Sexy Chicken ruffles feathers, is now on Twitter

The chicken that was just too sexy for her skin now has a voice, thanks to Twitter.

It all started when an image of a naked chicken, propped up like a '70s centerfold (bow-chicka-bow-wow), was featured as art Tuesday on an accompanying New York Times story about a growing obsession among chefs for crispy, greasy, tasty chicken skin.

While the image was buzzing (clucking?) all over Twitter, by Wednesday, PETA’s feathers were ruffled. The animal rights organization was not amused by the image, calling it “downright offensive.”

"When I saw it I just couldn't believe that an editor of The New York Times would find it acceptable," PETA's founder and president, Ingrid Newkirk, told The Atlantic Wire. "It's a plucked, beheaded, young chicken in a young pose," she said.

But New York Times editors said it was just art. "My original concept was sort of a languid nude,” said Dining photo editor Tiina Loite, in a Times’ Lens blog post that shed more light on the story behind the sexy chicken. “Once [photographer Tony Cenicola] propped it up, it became a completely different vibe. The chicken had attitude.”

Then, Thursday night, using the Twitter handle @NYTchicken, Sexy Chicken started speaking up for herself. And, well, this chick’s got game…

Word of the Day

lan·guid: \ˈlaŋ-gwəd\
Origin: Middle French languide, from Latin languidus, from languēre to languish — more at slack
First Known Use: 1597
1: drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion : weak
2: sluggish in character or disposition : listless
3: lacking force or quickness of movement : slow

More Vocabulary

Behead: v. o cut off the head of : decapitate
Centerfold: n.
a picture (as of a nude) on a centerfold; also : a model featured in such a picture
Cluck: v.
to express interest or concern
Downright: adv.
Handle: n.
Pluck: v.
to pull off or out from the place of growth, as fruit, flowers, feathers, etc
Vibe: n. (informal)
a feeling that someone or something gives you

Idioms & Phrases

Ruffle (someone’s) feathers: to make someone annoyed or upset.
  • Her spokeswoman wouldn't say whether the lawsuit has ruffled the singer's feathers.

Shed light on something: to make something clearer.
  • Experts hope the plane's flight recorders will shed light on the cause of the crash.

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